Progetto co-finanziato dal POR FESR TOSCANA 2014 – 2020, AZIONE 3.1.1. sub-azione 3.1.1a3) “Aiuti finalizzati al contenimento e al contrasto dell’emergenza epidemiologica COVID-19” - “Fondo investimenti Toscana – aiuti agli investimenti”
Importo Progetto: € 196.827,00
Tasso di cofinanziamento: 54 %
Thanks to the project, the company has put in place a series of investments aimed at implementing its production processes. In particular, the company has new machinery and equipment, some of which are equipped with 4.0 technology, to be included in its production process. The company also purchased operating software aimed at monitoring production and a truck to increase its distribution process. Finally, the project took into account expenditure on utilities such as working capital.
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